Service Pillars: We understand that security is not just at the end of the process, it's a journey, and culture that lives and breaths through the organisation. That's why all our services follow these simple three pillars.


We help teams build cost effective, secure, resilient products and services, using the shift left principles embodied in the DevSecOps way of working. We can help you threat model cloud services, secure them properly, and always deploy secure code keeping your customer data safe.


Whether you need to align to a cost framework, data governance objective or a cyber security framework, we can guide and help you. Our skilled team offers everything from professional penetration testing services, to configuration reviews, and assessing that your technology meets your cost, governance and framework needs.


Are you using multiple hosted services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, adopting the cloud, Azure, GCP or AWS or maybe hosting your infrastructure? We can help you design processes that enable you to operate securely and cost effectively with velocity across multiple providers.

Cloud Governance and Risk Management: A Powerful Duo

Cloud governance refers to the policies, procedures, and best practices organisations use to manage their cloud computing resources. It's like a set of rules that ensure everything runs smoothly and securely when using cloud services.

On the other hand, risk management is all about identifying potential risks and developing strategies to mitigate them. When it comes to cloud computing, risk management is crucial because cloud services can expose organisations to various risks, such as data breaches, system failures, and compliance violations.

Together, cloud governance and risk management can help your organisations stay secure, compliant, and efficient in using cloud services.

Here's how:

• Cloud governance helps organisations define their cloud computing environment and establish rules and processes for how it's used. This includes defining roles and responsibilities, setting security policies, and managing costs.

• Risk management helps organisations identify and assess the risks associated with their cloud computing environment. This includes things like identifying potential threats, assessing the likelihood of those threats occurring, and developing mitigation strategies.

By working together, cloud governance and risk management can help reduce the risk of data breaches by implementing strong security controls and procedures. Avoid system failures by properly managing cloud resources and ensuring that they are up to date. Stay compliant with industry regulations by following best practices for cloud computing, and improve efficiency by automating tasks and reducing manual processes.

If you're in the Cloud, and unsure how robust your cloud governance and risk management program is that’s in place, let’s talk.

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