Service Pillars: We understand that security is not just at the end of the process, it's a journey, and culture that lives and breaths through the organisation. That's why all our services follow these simple three pillars.


We help teams build cost effective, secure, resilient products and services, using the shift left principles embodied in the DevSecOps way of working. We can help you threat model cloud services, secure them properly, and always deploy secure code keeping your customer data safe.


Whether you need to align to a cost framework, data governance objective or a cyber security framework, we can guide and help you. Our skilled team offers everything from professional penetration testing services, to configuration reviews, and assessing that your technology meets your cost, governance and framework needs.


Are you using multiple hosted services like Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, adopting the cloud, Azure, GCP or AWS or maybe hosting your infrastructure? We can help you design processes that enable you to operate securely and cost effectively with velocity across multiple providers.

Cloud Financial Governance

We can help you establish a cloud financial governance framework to define, enforce, policies and procedures to ensure that cloud computing resources are used in a cost-effective and compliant manner. It is an important part of cloud adoption, as it helps organisations to avoid cost overruns, ensure compliance with regulations, and mitigate risks

The path to cost effective cloud applications and systems

Forecasting involves predicting future cloud spending based on historical data and current trends. This information can be used to set budgets and allocate resources more effectively..

Transparency involves providing clear visibility into cloud spending so that you can track costs and identify areas where savings can be made.

Control involves establishing policies and procedures to ensure that cloud resources are used in a controlled manner. This includes setting limits on spending, approving new cloud deployments, and auditing cloud usage.

Optimisation involves identifying opportunities to optimise cloud spending. This could include things like right-sizing cloud resources, consolidating cloud workloads, or negotiating better pricing with cloud providers.

Explore our latest security services and offerings.